29-November-2000: Hyperion Entertainment
to attend WOA 2000.
12-November-2000: Hyperion brings
Majesty: the Fantasy Kingdom Sim to the Amiga.
18-October-2000: Freespace progress
report by Steffen Haeuser and Mathias Roslund.
14-September-2000: Subscribe to our
support mailing list.
07-September-2000: The latest Shogo progress
report for Amiga/Linux/Mac by Thomas Frieden.
30-August-2000: Amiga Inc. and Hyperion
Entertainment join forces.
27-August-2000: SiN development approaching
final phase.
25-July-2000: The troubleshooting
/ performance tweaking guide has been updated.
23-July-2000: "The Siege"
add-on for Heretic II released. 
17-July-2000: Heretic II update available
for download. 
10-July-2000: Heretic II released!
25-June-2000: A new progress
report for both Amiga and Linux Shogo by Hans-Joerg Frieden.
11-June-2000: Hyperion signs Soldier
of Fortune for Amiga and Mac.
16-May-2000: If you are having trouble with Heretic 2 or Heretic
2 demo, consult the troubleshooting /
performance tweaking guide.
07-May-2000: Titan and Hyperion bring
"Alien Nations" from Jowood to the Amiga.
02-May-2000: The Heretic II demo is
now available from several download locations! 
29-April-2000: The first SiN progress
update by Peter Annuss, including Amiga screenshots!
20-April-2000: Hyperion releases Heretic
II demo. 
17-April-2000: Hyperion presents its
Amiga release schedule for 2000.
16-April-2000: Hyperion releases MiniGL
technology to the Amiga developer community. 
28-March-2000: Amiga Active awards
Heretic 2 first ever "Editor's Choice Award".
12-March-2000: Amiga Format awards
"AF Gold Medal" to Heretic II.
12-March-2000: The final Heretic II progress
update by Hans-Joerg Frieden. Release is imminent!
04-March-2000: Hyperion signs "SiN"
from Activision for Amiga and Linux. Extensive info on SiN can be
found here.
05-February-2000: The Linux and
Mac sub-sites are online as of today!
30-January-2000: You no longer require a browser that supports
Javascript to view the full-sized screenshots of our different projects.
Screenshots no longer open in a seperate browser-window.
"The Heretic Fortress" is nearing
completion. Take a look at the first screenshots.
30-January-2000: The Heretic II FAQ
and features pages have been brought
06-January-2000: Freespace: The
Great War has been added to the projects section.
06-January-2000: A quite substantial Heretic II progress
update by Hans-Joerg Frieden, including the first Amiga screenshots!